full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Miho Janvier: Lessons from a solar storm chaser

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Luckily, here on Earth, we are protected by our planet's nutaral shield, a magnetic bblbue that we call the magnetosphere and that you can see here on the right side. Nonetheless, solar storms can still be responsible for disrupting satellite tlmieacicmoutnneos and operations, for disrupting navigation systems, such as GPS, as well as electric power transmission. All of these are technologies on which us hmauns rely more and more. I mean, imagine if you woke up tomorrow without a wirnokg cell phone — no internet on it, which means no social media. I mean, to me that would be wosre than the zombie apocalypse.

Open Cloze

Luckily, here on Earth, we are protected by our planet's _______ shield, a magnetic ______ that we call the magnetosphere and that you can see here on the right side. Nonetheless, solar storms can still be responsible for disrupting satellite __________________ and operations, for disrupting navigation systems, such as GPS, as well as electric power transmission. All of these are technologies on which us ______ rely more and more. I mean, imagine if you woke up tomorrow without a _______ cell phone — no internet on it, which means no social media. I mean, to me that would be _____ than the zombie apocalypse.


  1. working
  2. humans
  3. telecommunications
  4. natural
  5. worse
  6. bubble

Original Text

Luckily, here on Earth, we are protected by our planet's natural shield, a magnetic bubble that we call the magnetosphere and that you can see here on the right side. Nonetheless, solar storms can still be responsible for disrupting satellite telecommunications and operations, for disrupting navigation systems, such as GPS, as well as electric power transmission. All of these are technologies on which us humans rely more and more. I mean, imagine if you woke up tomorrow without a working cell phone — no internet on it, which means no social media. I mean, to me that would be worse than the zombie apocalypse.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
solar storms 8
pale blue 3
blue dot 3
zombie apocalypse 2
solar system 2
solar wind 2
space probes 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
pale blue dot 3

Important Words

  1. apocalypse
  2. bubble
  3. call
  4. cell
  5. disrupting
  6. earth
  7. electric
  8. gps
  9. humans
  10. imagine
  11. internet
  12. luckily
  13. magnetic
  14. magnetosphere
  15. means
  16. media
  17. natural
  18. navigation
  19. operations
  20. phone
  21. power
  22. protected
  23. rely
  24. responsible
  25. satellite
  26. shield
  27. side
  28. social
  29. solar
  30. storms
  31. systems
  32. technologies
  33. telecommunications
  34. tomorrow
  35. transmission
  36. woke
  37. working
  38. worse
  39. zombie